Men's Discipleship
How can you be the man God made you to be? Turn to His Word. Learn it. Take it into your heart.
You can't do what you don't know. You need to have God's Word rightly and deeply planted into your heart and mind so you are thinking the way God would have you think, then you will do what God wants you to do.
We need discipleship so the men of our church come together Thursday nights at 6:30pm to learn to use the tools to know God and grow in Him. This is done as men grapple with the Scriptures and respond to Jesus Christ’s call to be equipped as His faithful disciples. We call this group "Ironmen"
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Prov. 27:17
Join us on Thursday nights at 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. We meet at Pastor Mike Chastain's home located at 53 Crestwood Drive, Savannah GA. 31405. You can contact him directly at 912.450.0000 or for more information.